Family Law
When the family relationship breakdown or falters, we understand that it can be a traumatic time for all involved. Clients approach us for professional advice on the legal and financial implications of their situation and all aspects of family law are dealt with sensitively and confidentially.
Dawson O'Toole specialises in Family Law and we have an excellent reputation in this field. Family Law can be a grey area and a very sensitive subject for some people. Dawson O'Toole offer a sympathetic approach when looking for the most sensible and realistic solution to Family Law issues. We have extensive experience in helping to resolve family disputes quickly, in a non-confrontational way, so that, if at all possible, the matter is brought to a speedy conclusion without the necessity of court proceedings.
The areas of practice on which we can advise include:
☑ Judicial Separation/Divorce
☑ Separations Agreements
☑ Pre-Nuptial or Co-Habitation Agreements
☑ Custody and Access to Children
☑ Civil Annulments
☑ Maintenance of Spouses
☑ Maintenance of Children
☑ Property Arrangements